Darted ducking rejoins family

Bird's shooter still at large

The Northwest Raptor & Wildlife Center, the all-volunteer Sequim wildlife rescue and rehabilitation nonprofit, successfully released the duckling that was shot with a five-inch metal blow dart in Port Angeles’ Lincoln Park in late May.

The duckling originally was rescued by Port Angeles resident Brenda Borte on June 5 and the blow dart was removed from its chest through surgery conducted by Dr. Jennifer Tavares at Greywolf Veterinary Hospital on June 8.

After a week of rehabilitation at the Northwest Raptor & Wildlife Center, conducted by director Jaye Moore, the duckling was released back to the care of its mother in Lincoln Park on the evening of June 13. 

"This is an extremely happy ending," said Matthew Randazzo, the center’s public relations director. "The duckling immediately identified its family and, within two minutes, was swimming with its mother and playing with its larger siblings."

The person who shot the duckling still is at large; updates of this case will be posted at www.facebook.com/northwestraptorcenter. E-mail tips to Matthew@NWRaptorCenter.com.