Clallam County Physicians Community Benefit Fund is accepting applications for academic scholarships in medically related fields and medically related community grants to be awarded in 2019-20.
Complete applications for scholarships and grants must be submitted by Saturday, July 6. (The deadline has been extended from an announcement earlier this year.)
Applications for the academic scholarships and community grants may be obtained by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to: Clallam County Physicians Community Benefit Fund, P.O. Box 3005, Port Angeles, WA 98362.
The benefit fund was formed in 1995 when Regence BlueShield joined with Clallam County Physicians Service, Inc., a company formed by local physicians to provide health care coverage to Clallam County residents.
The goal of the academic scholarship program is to provide tuition support for students in medically related fields.
To be eligible, a student must be a graduate of a Clallam County high school and have been accepted into or be currently enrolled and making satisfactory progress in a fully accredited professional school in a medically related program.
The goal of the community grants is to encourage one-time medically related community projects that will benefit a broad cross-section of the community.