For some people, getting a 75-minute rubdown might seem like an unnecessary indulgence.
Terry Lilian Segal, owner of Terrapoise Healing Arts, argues that massage and bodywork is critical to a person’s health and well-being.
"A lot of people still see massage and bodywork as a luxury but I would say it is an effective form of preventative care that allows us to deal with the stresses of life better," Segal said. "A lot of people feel they don’t deserve it and what I’d like to say to that is that we all deserve good health and wellness and the more balanced and aligned we are in our own lives, the more energy we have to support others around us."
Terrapoise Healing Arts, based out of Port Townsend, opened a Sequim branch on Oct. 22 and is accepting new clients.
Segal, voted Best Massage Therapist of Jefferson County for 2008, started practicing massage and bodywork 16 years ago in California.
She was a white-water rafting guide before but had to stop after injuring her back on the job. The doctor ordered a year and a half of intensive therapy including deep tissue massage, acupuncture and chiropractic visits.
"I was so impressed with the practitioner who helped me that it piqued my interest," Segal said. She attended massage school and never looked back. "It was a natural fit and has been my sole livelihood ever since."
In addition to standard massage, Segal specializes in breath awareness and zero balancing (ZB), a hands-on bodywork system designed to align the body’s energy with its physical structure.
According to Segal, she’s the only certified "ZB-er" in the Pacific Northwest, although others are beginning to follow in her footsteps.
"ZB is a very gentle and concise form of touch delivered to the bones that reharmonizes and balances the deep energetic flows that move through the body," she explained. "It’s appropriate for wellness maintenance, for injury recovery and for the unwinding of old, residual injuries."
Patients are fully clothed during ZB sessions, unlike a traditional massage.
A client’s five senses are pampered when he or she enters Segal’s studio.
Soft music plays in the background, a scented candle burns, cold water is on tap, decorative curtains shade the bright sun and soft pillows are available upon request. The goal is for both physical and mental stresses to be temporarily forgotten.
"I love receiving and administering massage," Segal said about her profession and passion. "It’s a very powerful healing tool and an excellent form of preventive care.
"I would say the same about zero balance," Segal continued. "It prevents the buildup of stresses and tensions that compromise our immune system, so we aren’t as susceptible to illness, recover faster, are more resilient when receiving regular body sessions."
In addition to seeing clients one day a week in Sequim and four days a week in Port Townsend, Segal travels to workplaces where she administers 30-minute or longer training sessions. She gives on-site massages and teaches employees tips and exercises in body awareness.
Exercises include one-minute breathing techniques, two-minute stretches and other techniques to prevent vision stress, carpal tunnel syndrome, poor posture and other work-related stresses and injuries while improving focus and work ethic.
"Working Week: Wellness in the Workplace" is beneficial to employees in all lines of work, Segal said.
"Whether you are a caregiver of an ill family member or aging parent, a stay-at-home mom or the provider of your family, all of these people suffer huge stresses on their bodies, psyche and energy level."
For best results, Segal advises clients to complete a series of at least three to five sessions.
Healing with touch
Terrapoise Healing Arts is open in Sequim once a week from 9:30 a.m.-6 p.m. on Wednesdays.
Owner Terry Lilian Segal is sharing a building with massage therapist Carleen Godwin, located at 367 W. Bell St.
Segal specializes in massage and bodywork promoting vitality, comfort and balance.
She also operates a home-based studio in Port Townsend Monday-Tuesday and Thursday-Friday.
For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 360-379-1364.