The five-day candidate filing period for numerous local elected offices in Clallam County ends Friday, May 17.
Candidates must be registered to vote and may file for candidacy online, in person or by mail. A complete list of offices open for filing can be found on the Clallam County Elections website at
Residents may file for candidacy online via the Clallam County Elections website at Online filing ends at 4 p.m. Friday, May 17.
Candidates also may file in person at the Auditor’s Office, 223 E. Fourth St., Suite 1 in Port Angeles, through Friday, May 17. The Auditor’s Office, in the Clallam County Courthouse, is open 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday.
Mailed declarations of candidacy will be accepted through May 17.
Candidate filing fees, regardless of filing method, must be received by the Auditor’s Office no later than 4:30 p.m. Friday, May 17, to complete the filing process. Those filing online will be prompted to pay using Visa, Mastercard or American Express. The Auditor’s Office accepts payments made in person or by mail using cash or check only; late payments are not accepted and would void any filings.
A total of 56 local offices are open for filing. These include two Clallam Superior Court positions, a County Commissioner position, a Port of Port Angeles Commissioner position, three Port Angeles City Council positions, four Sequim City Council positions, three Forks City Council positions, and numerous school board positions for the Port Angeles, Sequim, Cape Flattery and Quillayute Valley school districts. Positions are also open for all six fire districts, two park and recreation districts, two hospital districts, and two water districts.
The complete list of offices open for election and applicable filing fees, as well as additional filing information, is available at
Contact Clallam County Elections at 360-417-2217 or for more information.