Milestone: Another win for the children

The Sequim Guild raised nearly $1,200 for uncompensated care during its recent bunco fundraiser.

The Sequim Guild raised nearly $1,200 for uncompensated care during its recent bunco fundraiser.

The Seattle Children’s Hospital need to provide uncompensated care has increased each year and is expected to continue its upward spiral. In order to help offset these expenses, more than 500 guilds like Sequim’s in a four-state region work to raise funds. Through the efforts of its members, friends, businesses and other nonprofits in the community, the Sequim Guild raised nearly $90,000 last year.

The next Sequim Guild event is the regional outreach luncheon meeting Friday, Nov. 7, at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Sequim. The public, along with other local guild members, is invited to hear from hospital representatives who share recent research efforts and from local families who have benefited from the uncompensated care program.

With an “Americana “ theme, the guild also is inviting local veterans. Doors open at 11:30 a.m. and a suggested donation is $15 that includes lunch. All profits are given to the Seattle Children’s Hospital.

For more information, e-mail Lynda Stevens at or call Carol Labbe at 683-7130.
