A new interpretive sign has been installed in Pioneer Memorial Park, 387 E. Washington St. in Sequim.
The sign, which tells the history of the park and the Sequim Prairie Garden Club which maintains the park and clubhouse, was made possible through a Tourism Enhancement Grant from the City of Sequim.
The newly installed interpretive sign was designed by Priscilla Hudson, Sequim Prairie Garden Club historian and Laura Singer, club president. Tom Parkwell of The Sign Store created the sign and arranged for its special display stand.
Sequim pioneer John Bell originally sold the 4-acre parcel to Clallam County in 1889 to be used as Sequim’s first cemetery.
Sequim Prairie Garden Club is a nonprofit 501(c)(4) corporation. Donations are accepted for the continuing efforts to maintain the park grounds and preserve the many artifacts entrusted to it.
Reach the garden club at 808-3434 or sequimprairiegardenclub@hotmail.com for clubhouse rental or club information.