Eight Sequim High School seniors recently were awarded scholarships by the Sequim Elks Lodge at the club’s regular lodge meeting in May.
All students were given a $1,000 scholarship to be used at a college or university of their choice for the 2016-2017 school year. Scholarship recipients include:
• Karen Chan, attending the University of Washington, major in finance/human resources;
• Jessica Craig, University of Washington, major in bioengineering;
• Matthew Schock, Washington State University, major in bioengineering;
• Audrey Shingleton, University of Washington, major undecided;
• Eric Anderson, Western Washington University, major in music/computer science;
• Kelly Anders, Washington State University, major in animal sciences/veterinary medicine;
• Megan O’Mera, Washington State University, major in hospitality business management, and
• Brittany Gries, Peninsula College, major in nursing.