New officers, trustees for DCC

Clallam County’s Democratic Central Committee elected new officers at its biennial reorganization meeting. Elected for two-year terms were chairman John Marrs, Lake Sutherland; vice chairman Sylvia Hancock, Sequim; treasurer Kris Grier, Port Angeles; recording secretary Marcia Farrell, Port Angeles; corresponding secretary Andy Geiger, Freshwater Bay; state committeeman Earl Archer, Sequim; state committeewoman Julie Johnson, Neah Bay.

Elected as trustees were the following representing each of the county commissioner districts: District 1 – Steve Tharinger, Sequim; Genaveve Starr, Sequim; Marco Hermosillo, Sequim; District 2 – Juliet Chambers, Port Angeles; Hank Warren, Port Angeles; John Miller, Port Angeles; District 3 – Nancy Messmer, Sekiu; Dan Duncan, Joyce; Harry Jackson, Freshwater Bay.