No outdoor burning
A countywide burn ban is in effect from today until Oct. 1 unless continued dry conditions require the ban to be extended or if moisture conditions in September allow it to be lifted.
The ban applies to outdoor burning, except recreational fires are allowed unless further banned by extreme conditions.
Burn barrels are illegal in Washington and burning is not allowed in any designated urban growth area, such as that outside Sequim and in Carlsborg.
For alternatives to burn-ing, see collection and recycling information in the telephone directory.
Road projects
The Washington Department of Transportation says these operations will continue today and Thursday in Clallam County:
• Roadside maintenance, both directions of U.S. Highway 101 from McDonald Creek to the Clallam/Jefferson County line, flagger-controlled, one-way alternating traffic from
7 a.m.-4 p.m.
• Sign washing, U.S. Highway 101 from Barnes Creek at Lake Crescent to Lincoln Street in Port Angeles. Moving operation with intermittent traffic delays from 8 a.m.-
4 p.m.
• Shoulder mowing, both directions of Highway 101 from Lake Crescent to South Pine Street in Port Angeles.
Moving operation with intermittent delays from 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m.
Walkling Trust
The Ben and Myrtle Walkling Memorial Trust encourages new civic and charitable projects that benefit the citizens of Clallam County.
The trust is accepting applications for grants to be awarded in 2010. Requests to fund organizational budgets or to pay for existing or ongoing projects are not likely to be approved. Send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the Ben and Myrtle Walkling Memorial Trust, P.O. Box 1588, Port Angeles, WA 98362, to receive an application. Completed application forms must be submitted by Sept. 30.
Myrtle Walkling died in 1992 and created the trust in her will, funding it with more than $1 million.
Grange serves ice cream, raises funds
Sequim Prairie Grange No. 1108 raised $822 for the Dungeness Valley Health and Wellness Clinic June 20 at the first of three ice cream socials. Auxiliary president Joy Barrett will present the check.
The next ice cream social will be at 5 p.m. July 11. Proceeds will go to Volunteer Hospice of Clallam County.
Sequim Prairie Grange is at 290 Macleay Road.
Senior menu
Here are the Sequim Senior Nutrition Site menus, served at 4:30 p.m. at Suncrest Village Retirement Apartments, 251 S. Fifth Ave. Suggested donation $3. Menus are subject to change.
Wednesday July 1 – Caesar salad, chicken parmesan, buttered noodles, Italian mix vegetables, apricots
Thursday July 2 – Cook’s choice
Friday July 3 – Closed for holiday
Monday July 6 – Cole slaw, chicken patty sandwich, roasted potatoes, corn, lemon whip
Tuesday July 7 – Carrot raisin salad, pepper steak, steamed rice, tomato slices, cookie.
Centennial committee seeks volunteers
The Sequim Centennial Committee seeks volunteers to plan the city’s celebration of 100 years in 2013.
The next meeting is set for 1 p.m. July 15 in the small conference room at the
Sequim Transit Center, 190 W. Cedar St.
Those interested in volunteering or with additional ideas can contact City Clerk Karen Kuznek-Reese at 683-4139 or
The committee’s stated mission is "Educate, Celebrate and Commemorate."
Subcommittees include marketing, events, history, murals, time capsule, fundraising and sponsorship, costumes and community photo.
According to the late June Robinson of the Clallam County Historical Society, 79 men petitioned the Clallam County Commissioners on July 19, 1913, to incorporate Sequim.
The city limits included 440 acres, one mile north and south of Sequim Avenue and three-quarters of a mile east and west of it.
The election was held Oct. 24, 1913, and the vote was 90 to 66. The certificate of incorporation was filed with the Secretary of State on Nov. 20, 1913, and Sequim was declared a fourth-class city.
Meetings on hold
until August
Meetings of the Clallam County Democratic Club resume Aug. 12.
Democratic Headquarters is open from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 150 S. Fifth Ave., Sequim
Call 683-4502.