News Briefs

Fishing club hosts

lake toxicology

meeting tonight

Greywolf Fly Fishing Club hosts a forum regarding toxic algae problems plaguing several east Jefferson County lakes at 7 p.m. tonight, Feb. 11, in the main hall at the Gardiner Community Center, 980 Old Gardiner Road.

Agency representatives speaking at the meeting include Neil Harrington and Dr. Tom Locke, health officer for Clallam and Jefferson counties. State fisheries and parks officials also have been invited.

The public is invited to attend and participate in looking for solutions to this issue.

For more information, call Dave Bailey at 681-7043.

Shelter Providers

Network discusses

proposed funds

Clallam County Shelter Providers Network will meet to discuss proposed federal homelessness prevention stimulus funds that may be coming.

The meeting is 9-11 a.m. Feb. 18 at the Serenity House Commons, 2203 W. 18th St., Port Angeles.

The discussion on stimulus funds begins about 10:30 a.m.

Other agenda items include success stories from the recent point-in-time count of homeless people and the housing resource fairs held in the West End Jan. 22 and in central and east Clallam County Jan. 29; legislative news and final arrangements for participating in Housing Advocacy Day in Olympia Feb. 24; final planning for the network’s annual forum on ending homelessness 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m. March 18 at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Port Angeles.

E-mail or call 452-7224.


time changed

The Feb. 11 Olympic Medical Center nutrition presentation "What Does Love Have to Do With It" is moved from noon to 1 p.m.

Vickie Everett presents the free program in the Season’s Cafe private dining room at Olympic Medical Center, 939 Caroline St., Port Angeles.

The program includes information on heart healthy living and eating, food samples, handouts and door prizes.

Call 417-7000.

Veterans benefit

outreach planned

A veterans benefit outreach is available 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Feb. 12 at Port Angeles Library, 2210 S. Peabody St., Port Angeles.

Veterans and their families can receive help applying for Veterans Administration benefits.