OMCC support groups to meet

The Olympic Medical Center Cancer Center offers support groups in July.

The Olympic Medical Center Cancer Center offers the following support groups in July:

• July 6 and July 2, cancer patients wig fitting. Call Patient Navigator Susan Clements at 582-2845 for an appointment.

• July 14, 1-3 p.m., Women’s Cancer Support Group, OMCC library second and fourth Tuesday of the month, drop in group, Facilitator: Maggie Jamison, Ph.D.

• July 15, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Cancer Wellness Series, free, “The Healing Art of Collage-making,” Medical Services Building second floor conference room, call 582-2845 to register. Drop-ins welcome.

• July 20, Look Good, Feel Better, 1-2:30 p.m., OMCC Conference Room, third Monday of the month, Program: Skin & hair care during cancer treatment. Register by calling Patient Navigator Susan Clements,582-2845.

• July 28, 1-3 p.m., Women’s Cancer Support Group, OMCC library second and fourth Tuesday of the month, drop in group, Facilitator: Maggie Jamison, Ph.D.