Family members seek prayers and support for a Sequim baby after he was diagnosed with a rare disorder last month.
Gerald Ladd remains in Seattle Children’s Hospital after doctors diagnosed him at 4 months of age with a disorder that sees fats build up in his body and are unable to be removed.
Gerald has spent more than a month in the hospital, and his parents Tim and Kerry Ladd of Sequim are seeking any possible treatments for the best life possible, family members said.
Updates continue to go online at the gofundme campaign site, www.go, where donations help offset the family’s medical costs.
Family members said doctors are now pursuing an experimental treatment from St. Louis, Mo., that could help Gerald.
Originally the family needed to go to Missouri, but doctors worked to make the treatment available in Seattle.
Family members remain hopeful, with Kerry Ladd writing, “The treatments on children in St. Louis have shown stabilization in liver function and some improvement with this drug.”
“We are so grateful for all the medical staff who are diligently working to help our son heal,” family members wrote. “We know there is still no cure for him, but we put our hope and trust in the One who created him.”
In the latest update on Jan. 21, family members wrote they hope to start the trial medication twice a week for nine weeks.
If he becomes healthy enough to be discharged, the family plans to fly to St. Louis for the remainder of the trial.
Family wrote it will be two weeks before they know if the drug is having an effect.
“Continue to pray for improvement in his liver function, for no new infections or challenges in his body, and for no negative reactions to the trial medication,” Kerry Ladd wrote.
“Thank you all again for your prayers and support. We are so grateful for all the love poured out to Gerald and our family.”
To read more updates and/or donate to support the Ladd family, visit