Put on your brightest attire and ready yourself for a night with the musical comedy “Legally Blonde” presented by the Sequim High School Operetta Club. Maddy Dietzman stars as Elle Wood, a high fashion sorority girl, who seeks the affection of her ex-boyfriend Warner (Jonathan Heintz) by enrolling in Harvard Law School.
Her story from fashionista to full-fledged lawyer plays at 7 p.m. May 3-4, 10-11 and 17, and 2 p.m. May 12, 18 and 19, in the Sequim High School Auditorium, 533 N. Sequim Ave. Advance tickets are available at www.shsoperetta.ludus.com. Tickets for opening night are $12 on May 3, and cost up to $18 for premium seats on other nights.
For more information, email shsoperettaboxoffice@gmail.com. Read a full preview of the show in the May 1 Sequim Gazette.