A new Honors Program starts this fall at Peninsula College. Applications for admission are now being accepted.
The Honors Program is designed to engage highly motivated students in a unique two-year cohort-based learning process that encourages them to make connections between their classes, develop critical thinking skills, identify intellectual interests and develop those interests into a culminating “capstone” experience.
The Honors Program curriculum is transfer-oriented. Students who complete the program will earn an AA or AS transfer degree designated “with honors,” providing added distinction to their scholastic accomplishments when they apply to transfer institutions.
“We believe the Honors Program is a very important addition to Peninsula College,” said Peninsula College President Dr. Luke Robins. “It provides highly motivated students who have a genuine desire to learn with opportunities to challenge themselves and to engage with their peers, professors and the community in new ways.”
During the first year of the Honors Program, students will move through a series of academic courses, seminars and extra-curricular experiences to prepare them for work on a capstone project, the signature feature of the Peninsula College Honors Program. Capstone projects are supervised by faculty mentors and may include becoming involved in a faculty research project, doing independent research, developing a creative piece based on research, becoming active in a service learning project or participating in a study-abroad opportunity.
For more information on the Peninsula College Honors Program, visit the college website at www.pencol.edu/honors-program.