‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ first book in community reading event
State funds to improve and unify family court operations
Much is ado at the Sequim-Dungeness Valley Chamber of Commerce. After being hired as executive director in early August, Vickie…
Larry Germain, ARNP, has assumed the coordination of the Chronic Healthcare Clinic at the Dungeness Valley Health & Wellness Clinic…
Federal agency also nears relocation decision
Wednesday Sept. 10 • Sequim Marimba. Island rhythms. 6-8 p.m. Concerts on the Pier Series, Port Angeles City Pier. Free….
‘Opulent’ show joins all kinds of art
The state Department of Health is advising customers of The Estates water system in Clallam County to boil water before…
Rygaard Logging featured on new NBC show
Superintendent planning math summit
Event kicks off annual fund drive
Wiker, Wolves seek fifth-straight league crown with loaded line, new QBs
Catching up with Sequim superintendent Bill Bentley