Parenting Matters: It’s Feb. 10… are you ready?

Cynthia Martin says "Valentine’s Day is a good time to remind us of what we should be doing all year long."

Valentine’s Day is this coming Sunday. So what’s the big deal? Some people ignore the day and others really do make a big deal of it. What about you?

If nothing else, this day should remind you to tell the important people in your life that they are important to you and that you love them. We all should be reminded of this kind of expression of love.

Just think about how many times you say “I love you” to your kids. Is it something they hear regularly or just every once in a while? How about your partner? Do you say these words to your partner?

It is easy to say the other person knows but that doesn’t make up for saying and hearing these words.

There are many ways to say “I love you” even besides the words. The most advertised way is through presents but that isn’t the only way. Even little things like warming up your partner’s coffee or tea when it becomes cool. Making a favorite meal or even just a single dessert is certainly another way.

Calling your partner to share happy news. Giving your partner a hug as you pass him or her in the hallway. Asking your partner how you can help on a project is another way even if your help isn’t needed. Leaving a note on the mirror telling your partner how you feel is a great gift.

For the children

The nicest thing about doing special things for your children to let them know you love them is a way to teach them how to express love.

This is a gift you give your children that they will pass on to future generations. Other ways to let them know is to compliment them on the things they do correctly. When they come home with a good paper from school, make sure you give them a hug and tell them how proud you are. Leave them a note in their lunch sack telling them how important they are to you.

Let them hear you singing their praises on the telephone as you tell Grandma about something special they did.

Parents, friends too

Don’t forget your parents. Letting them know they are appreciated is welcome any time of the year. It is easy to forget all they have done for you. It is important to remember to thank them, hug them and tell them how important they are to you.

You don’t have to tell all of your neighbors and friends that you love them but it certainly is nice to tell them they add something special to your life. Maybe the next door neighbor plants something special; it is nice to let him know you appreciate it.

If you have a good friend you can rely on, make sure that you acknowledge how important he or she is to you.

Spend time and give attention to the people you love. Let them know how important they are to you.

Expressing your appreciation and gratitude is a behavior we need to encourage in our society.

It begins with each of us needing to take the time to say thank you, you are important to me, I appreciate all you do for me and even, I love you.

Valentine’s Day is a good time to remind us of what we should be doing all year long.

Why not begin your celebration of this important day today?



Cynthia Martin is the founder of the First Teacher program and director of Parenting Matters Foundation, which publishes newsletters for parents, caregivers and grandparents. Reach Martin at or at 681-2250.