Work continues this week at Clallam County’s Lower Dungeness Floodplain Restoration Project as workers with Scarsella Brothers install a new culvert in Meadowbrook Creek, is a tributary to the Dungeness River. The ecosystem restoration effort includes setting back a portion of the Dungeness Levee will offer greatly improved flood protection while restoring acres of lost floodplain needed as habitat for endangered salmon, according to project manager Cathy Lear of the Clallam County Department of Community Development. Project funding comes from Floodplains by Design and the Puget Sound Partnership’s Puget Sound Acquisition and Restoration Program. The project is identified in the Puget Sound Chinook Recovery Plan. Dungeness Chinook population must be recovered in order for endangered Puget Sound Chinook to be delisted. Photo by John Gussman
PHOTO: Dungeness River makeover continues