Prevention Works! Plan updated

Prevention Works! A Community Coalition of Clallam County continues to make progress toward goals of its original Prevention Plan. The plan was designed in 2011 to be in service through 2016.

Prevention Works! A Community Coalition of Clallam County continues to make progress toward goals of its original Prevention Plan. The plan was designed in 2011 to be in service through 2016.

Prevention Works! is now looking for opportunities to present the updated plan to civic groups and others whose work aligns with PW!’s focus “to stimulate the community in creative ways to nurture our children and thus strengthen our communities.”

Thirty-minute presentations of the plan accompanied by a highlights brochure, are available to any requesting groups. Originally the work of over 100 Clallam County citizens, the original Prevention Plan was applied in 2011.

Recent updates to the plan reflect the progress made, showcase accomplishments and clearly outline the work yet to be done through 2016 in five key areas: Bullying Reduction and Violence Elimination (BRAVE), Early Screening and Identification, Home Visiting, Parenting Education and Support, and Lifelong Learning.

A broad-based group of local leaders helped the Prevention Works! board update the plan to further the original intent of the plan and make outcomes timely for targeted goals.

Since PW!’s work is partially funded by county prevention funds, the first presentation of the updated Prevention Plan was enthusiastically received by the county commissioners in December 2014 when presented by chairman Norma Turner and other PW! board members at a regular commission meeting.

The updated Prevention Plan can be read in full at, where activities and programs of interest to families and the community also may be found.

For more information or to book a presentation, e-mail PW! coordinator Mary Doherty at