Quilting comes naturally to members of the Sunbonnet Sue Quilt Club in Sequim, but someone has to win when it comes to shows and judging. That’s exactly what occurred at the 22nd Sunbonnet Sue Quilt Club’s annual show, held July 18-20 in Sequim.
The quilts were judged by those attending the show, who voted for their favorite quilts. The winners were kept secret until the Aug. 13 Sunbonnet Sue meeting when the awards were presented by the quilt show chairwomen Lydia Nelson and Lois Dunn.
Following are the winners:
Best of Show — a tie for this year’s winner
Diane Andro for Bella Flores (Beautiful Flowers)
Kitty Niles and Rhonda Coler for Garden in the Sun
First Place
Flo DeVoney, Mollie’s Quilt (large quilt)
Nina Stevens, Enchanted Desert (small quilt)
Second Place
Judy Richey, No Place Like Home, (large quilt)
Karen Clatanoff, Storybook Farm, (small quilt)
Third Place
Joan Mack, Seven Sisters (large quilt)
Nina Stevens, Imagine the Dragon (small quilt)
More than 2,000 people attended this year’s show, making it the best show ever according to quilt club members. The raffle quilt was won by Al Yukotsky of Sequim. Next year’s quilt show will be July 17-19.