Nineteen years after starting as a teen with a summer job, Ming Chang continues to be a familiar and friendly face at Sunny Farms Country Store, 261461 U.S. Highway 101.
The Port Angeles native and Crescent High School graduate recently appeared on the front of the “Who’s Who” magazine, which he kindly holds up for a photograph.
Chang said he started as a closing clerk in the grocery department at Sunny Farms following the suggestion of his father to speak with Sunny Farms owner Roger Schmidt for a job.
He was promoted to grocery manager in 2002 and said working at the store for him is about the people — customers and co-workers.
He took a few minutes from his busy day to answer some Random Questions.
Question 16: What’s your favorite Sequim event?
Chang: I’ve been to the Irrigation Festival a number of times. I like that it highlights a lot of youth. It definitely brings out the best of Sequim and it’s fun of course.
Question 31: Would you give me a dollar? Why or why not?
Chang: I would because I trust that if you ask me for one then I’m trusting you need it for some reason.
Question 36: If you could shape shift, who would you become?
Chang: Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel. I admire his resolve and what he’s confronting in Israel right now
Bonus Random Question 12: What is your earliest memory?
Chang: I remember my fifth birthday. I had a really cool party with neighbors and friends. It was just a lot of fun with cake, family, friends and presents.
Question 45: What do you like best about yourself?
Chang: My flexibility and willingness to adapt to changing situations in life and at work.
Question 33: Capt. Picard or Capt. Kirk (from Star Trek)?
Chang: Picard simply because I’ve watched more of (Star Trek: The Next Generation).
In Random Questions, members of the community each draw five random questions (sometimes more) out of 50 from a bag and he/she will answer these questions for your entertainment. With suggestions for random interviews, e-mail Matthew Nash at