The Sequim City Council adopted short-, mid- and long-term priorities at the Sequim City Council meeting on June 13.
The council worked through an extensive list of subjects at a special all-day meeting on April 8 and a follow up meeting on May 19 to establish the priorities.
The city council priorities set the focus of city staff efforts for the coming years.
Priorities include:
Short-Term (1-2 years):
• Fund and carry out the transportation plan
• Develop a solid waste plan
• Encourage regional cooperation for common interests
• Partner with nonprofits and the faith community to help the homeless community
• Develop an economic development plan specific to Sequim
• Complete improvements to the Guy Cole Convention Center, reopen for rental and seek further funding for additional improvements
• Take short-term emergency preparedness measures
• Create a plan for neighborhood improvements
Mid-Term (3-4 years):
• Renew the Transportation Benefit District
• Coordinate with human services providers to address drug, mental health and homelessness issues
• Focus on crime prevention
• Explore affordable housing solutions
• Integrate private streets into city plan
• Explore Local Improvement Districts
• Further develop parks as outlined in the Parks Master Plan
• Update the Sequim Municipal Code
• Increase code enforcement
Long-Term (5 years+):
• Develop long-term water sources
• Consider solar energy to make reuse water potable
• Identify and implement ways to reduce solid waste
• Continued emphasis on emergency preparedness
• Increase higher education opportunities in Sequim
• Creation of a Metropolitan Parks District
• Realize an emergency medical facility.