Renowned artist and Sequim Gazette cartoonist Tim Quinn was found dead in his apartment late Saturday morning from what appears to be natural causes.
A Kitsap County medical examiner is scheduled to conduct an autopsy sometime this week.
“There’s no way to be certain until the autopsy but it appears to be natural causes. Foul play does not appear to be involved,” said Sequim Police Lt. Sheri Crain on Saturday.
Quinn was spotted through a window at 11:30 a.m. Saturday by the owner of the Sunshine Cafe which is downstairs from Quinn’s apartment, Crain said.
He located someone to enter the apartment and then they found he was dead, she said.
The area around Quinn’s apartment, which includes the back entrances to the Sunshine Cafe and Sequim Gazette, was taped off until late Saturday night while police investigated.
“it took a while because we wanted to be thorough,” Crain said.
Quinn had been the editorial cartoonist for the Jimmy Comelately and Sequim Gazette newspapers since 1984.
He previously had lived in Huntington Beach, Calif. and Seattle.
Besides his cartooning, Quinn also was known for his sculptures, some of which decorated the area outside his apartment.
He also painted the Olympic National Park mural behind the Conrad Dyer Memorial Fountain in downtown Port Angeles and created the theme for the 100th anniversary of the Sequim Irrigation Festival.
Services have yet to be announced.