Sequim Sunrise Rotary group to take on Washington Street flag effort

Looking to keep a patriotic tradition going, Sequim Sunrise Rotary is looking to take over and expand the decoration of Washington Street with American flags during certain holidays.

Local Boy Scouts have placed about 80 flags on Washington Street on holidays for a number of years, Rotary members note, but the scouts have decided to get out of the business and Sequim Sunrise Rotary has agreed to take over.

Rotary members say they plan to expand the number of flags placed to 100, so that both West and East Washington Street are covered.

Members of Sequim Sunrise Rotary will sell $40 subscriptions to individuals and groups in Sequim to erect the United States flags on Washington Street five holidays. A plaque designating name or business of the subscriber will be attached to each flag pole.

The five holidays include: President’s Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day and Veterans Day.

Whenever the holiday is on a Monday, the flag is placed by Rotarians on Saturday morning and taken in on Monday evening. If the holiday is on another weekday, the flag is placed and removed the same day.

Funds from this project will be used for charitable projects in the Sequim community and Rotary International projects, Rotary members said..

For a subscription or more information, call or text Mike McAleer at 360-477-0837.