After winning the “best wedding cakes” award in western Washington, owner of That Takes the Cake, Sue Boucher, and her husband Paul, received a welcomed visit last week from KING 5’s “Evening Magazine” news team to film a segment about the bakery.
“We’re not sure when it’s going to air yet, but as soon as we know we’ll post to our Facebook,” Sue Boucher said. “We know it will be sometime in February.”
KING 5’s 2014 Best of Western Washington award for best wedding cakes is the second win for Boucher in the wedding category, having won it last year, too.
By public vote, That Takes the Cake trumped 91 nominees, including large-scale bakeries in more urban areas like Seattle.
“Huge, Food Network people (were nominated), but they didn’t get the votes,” Paul Boucher said.
Sue Boucher previously owned a bakery in Seattle, but relocated to central
Sequim three years ago after marrying Paul. Boucher has been baking for 29 years, but with Paul’s culinary background and experience as a past chef and restaurant manager he does the majority of the baking while Boucher does the decorating – creating a successful team.
Throughout the past three years Boucher has watched her bakery grow into more than just the town go-to for gourmet cupcakes, but a community gathering spot. On Thursday, Boucher said she has noticed students tend to hangout, and depending on the day of the week, various groups will often meet at That Takes the Cake.
Winning this award “is really cool because it just shows us that we’re doing a good job and continuing to make good stuff. It also shows us we have really great customers that support us,” Boucher said.
Reach That Takes the Cake, 171 W. Washington St., at 565-6272 or visit