New benches and trash receptacles will be installed in Sequim’s Downtown core July 31, and Thursday, Aug. 1, as part of the Downtown Streetscaping project, which also includes signage and a new way-finding system to be installed later. Two of the eggplant-colored benches will be at the city’s new property at Sequim Avenue and Washington Street, with three others at Seal Street Park. Ten trash receptacles will be replaced and three added. In the future, the city will add pots with trees and flowers as “softscaping” at the seating areas.
“One of the objectives of the project was to create ‘hospitality’ areas in the downtown core to make visitors feel more comfortable and invite them to stay longer,” said Communications and Marketing Director Barbara Hanna. “We’ve also added eggplant bike racks and will replace the trash receptacle at Heritage Park to carry the eggplant theme through the downtown core.”
Fifty thousand dollars from the City of Sequim Lodging Tax fund was approved in the 2013 budget for the Downtown Streetscaping project. To view the complete Downtown Streetscaping presentation, visit Contact Barbara Hanna at 681-3422 or with questions.