Student Scenes: How do the rules of nature compare to the rules of man?

The laws of nature are the unchangeable laws that define all things that happen like death and if you jump, you have to come down.

The laws of nature are the unchangeable laws that define all things that happen like death and if you jump, you have to come down. The laws of man are changeable rules made by man like the speed limit and drinking and driving. The laws of nature cannot be changed like the laws of man, the speed limit changes constantly. We can break the laws of man like murdering — you are not supposed to do it — but people do it all the time. Laws of nature cannot be changed like if you jumped off a bridge, you would hit the ground no matter how much flapping you did.

— Kevin Meyer

The rules of nature compare to the rules of man in several ways. The rules of nature are made by nature. The rules of man are made by man. In the rules of nature, what goes up must come down, for every action there is a reaction. In the rules of man, when something falls from the sky it’s nature’s property. When it hits the ground, if it’s your ground, you own the object. When the object goes into the ground it belongs to the state. Also in the rules of man you cannot own another man.

— Rene Flores

While both are called laws, there is a massive difference between laws of nature and laws of man. Laws of man can be changed or created at any time, while laws of nature stay constant throughout the universe. But laws of nature as we know are changing. While not changing them, our understanding is varying. Some examples of our understanding changing include gravity. People used to believe that God made the sun orbit Earth. As we know today, this is incorrect and is caused by the law of nature called gravity. So yes, they are very different interpretations of laws.

— Devin Hibler

The difference between the laws of nature and the laws of man is that the laws of nature are natural things that cannot be changed. The laws of man though are manmade and can be changed. An example is gravity, a law of nature, and marriage is a law of man because gravity you can’t change but marriage you can change. Another example is two different sized objects dropped from the same height will hit the ground a the same time. That is a basic law of nature. That is the difference of the laws of nature and man.

— John Edson

The rules of nature are rules that are already made and that can never be changed. Rules of man are the opposite; you can change the rules and you also can create a rule whenever. You can never change gravity, it’s already there. Unlike school rules, they can always be taken or added, bended or twisted. With laws of man, they could be taken for granted or even changed to benefit them, increase the wealth given to them. I like the laws of nature more than the laws of man because they’re laws that have already been here and are stated; there’s nothing you can do about them.

— Gracie Tolberd

The rules of nature compared to the rules of man affect each other in more ways than one because man adapts to nature while at the same time nature adapts to man’s adaptations. One rule about nature is that every action has a reaction, man adapts to this by consulting laws and philosophy. Another rule about nature is that things hurt, man adapts to this with medicines and treatments. One of the last rules of nature is eat or be eaten, man adapts to this with civil rights. The golden man rule of treat others the way you want to be treated.

— Robert Jesionovski

The difference between the rules of nature and the rules of man are that nature’s rules cannot be altered in any way. For example, if you die, you die. Another example is the law of gravity — you can’t break it. The rules of man can be changed in many ways. For example, you can’t drink and drive, but people have the choice to abide by the laws or get locked up for breaking that law. Therefore the law of nature and the law of man are very different. One can be altered and the other one can’t be changed at all.

— Tristin Dodson

The difference between the law of nature and the law of man is that you can’t change the law of nature, but you always can change the law of man. The law of man is the laws we follow, like no drinking while driving and so on. For the law of nature some examples would be gravity, weather, birth, death and so on. You can break the law of man but can’t or have a choice to anyway, to break the law of nature. You have no control over the law of nature. That’s the difference between the law of nature and the law of man.

— Andrea Albaugh