United Way of Clallam County

Applications available for 2010 local government funding for nonprofits

The United Way is accepting applications for local government funding of nonprofit health and human service agencies.

For many years the city councils of Port Angeles, Sequim and the Clallam County commissioners have allocated funds from their general budgets to be used for local human services. These local governments have contracted with United Way of Clallam County to advertise for, accept and screen the applications. Representatives from each of the governments work with the United Way funds distribution committee to make funding recommendations. The respective city councils and county commissioners make the final funding decisions.

Each government has its own priorities and maximum grant amounts for 2010. They are:

_ Clallam County local government initiative funds $60,000 total: Prevention and intervention services addressing violence and suicide, meeting basic needs, and child and youth services. Maximum of 10 programs funded. The LGIF funding is open to the entire county.

_ City of Sequim $50,000 total: Grants should fund programs that primarily serve residents within the Sequim city limits and target vulnerable populations, including early childhood development, youths and seniors, health care access for the uninsured, mental health services for school-age children and adults or a critical need that otherwise would go unmet.

_ City of Port Angeles $56,250 total: Programs serving health and human service needs with a focus on the following: Meeting basic needs for the most vulnerable Port Angeles residents; prevention programs; programs serving youths; programs serving seniors.

Local not-for-profit agencies that are interested in applying for grants from one or more of these funding sources should contact the United Way for an application. They are due back to the United Way office no later than Friday, Jan. 22, 2010. Allocations will be recommended to governing bodies in March and grants will be made in April.

For more information, agencies can call United Way at 457-3011 or send an e-mail to info@unitedwayclallam.org.