Sequim Gazette staff
Because of recent complaints to the Sequim City Council regarding noise generated from Naval Growler training flight patterns over the Sequim-Dungeness Valley, members of the council and city staff visited the U.S. Naval Air Station (NAS) Whidbey Island on Aug. 21 to discuss the best way to respond to citizen concerns.
At that meeting, the council learned that the Navy has set up a hotline and e-mail address for concerns, complaints or questions regarding the jet plane noise. Residents should contact 360-257-6665 or e-mail comments to
The U.S. Navy will investigate reports and respond to public concerns, officials said last week. They request as much detail as possible when reporting an incident to help them in tracking down what occurred.
There is an Environmental Impact Statement being prepared to evaluate the potential environmental effects associated with additional aircraft being added to NAS Whidbey Island. Visit the Navy website for more information on the impact statement and the public involvement process at