Wild spring weather hit the North Olympic Peninsula Friday morning with wind, rain and snow. The above photos, taken on Hwy. 101 near Gardiner, were submitted by Kim Martin.
Clallam County PUD has experienced outages across the county due to wind blowing trees and limbs into overhead power lines. The major areas are listed below, affecting 1560 customers.
East of Sequim, the Diamond Point area lost power at approximately noon, affecting 676 customers.
Near Forks, power went off in the La Push and surrounding area at approximately 1:03PM affecting 492 customers.
In Forks, power went off for customers along and adjacent to Bogachiel Way at approximately 1:12PM, affecting 120 customers.
South of Forks, power went off at approximately 1:18PM affecting 272 customers.
PUD crews are currently working on all of the above areas.