A lesson from ‘Chicken Little’

Somebody needs to remind the Democrats of the story about Chicken Little. You know, the one where the kid goes around telling anybody who will listen that the sky is falling when in reality it was an experience that he alone had?

Every day, we hear another call for President Trump to be impeached or jailed for treason … some (on the extreme left) have even called for him to be assassinated.

The simple fact is that more and more they are sounding more like sore losers than anything else. Their party colluded and ramrodded all other candidates out of the picture so their “heir apparent” would be given a shot.

It is not the Republicans’ fault that the best they could do was put up a person that had taken millions of dollars from foreign countries while she was Secretary of State, that had put classified information on a personal server, had allowed a (soon to be convicted) pedophile access to that same classified information, was a key figure in allowing our men and women to be killed in Benghazi while the administration she worked for did nothing to protect them …

Let’s be honest — any of the Republican candidates could have beaten Hillary Clinton. It just so happened that our nominee was Donald Trump.

Now, I will be the first to admit that President Trump was not my candidate during the primaries. But guess what? He won fair and square. I had no problems voting for him and I think this country is better off with him in office than Hillary. Do I think he is perfect? Not by a long shot (for example, I think it is a mistake for him to have his daughter and her husband working for his administration).

But seriously, my liberal friends (and I do mean “friends”), take my advice: Don’t call for him to be impeached every time he does something you do not like. Not being the guy (or girl) you voted for is not grounds for removal from office.

The “I’m going to take my ball and go home” attitude doesn’t work well when it comes to wanting to win elections.

There is a saying that I use all the time: “If you give an idiot enough rope, he will hang himself.” That attitude has taken me far and it could work for you.

Instead of making a mockery out of yourselves and crying about not getting what you want, maybe you should try working with the President. There will only be one of two scenarios that could happen:

A) His plans work and America re-takes its place as the Leader of the Free World. Americans prosper, our friends prosper and terrorists fear harming Americans and our allies because they know the wrath that will be rained down on them.

B) His plans don’t work and you only have to endure four years of a President Trump administration. We then have another election, and maybe — MAYBE — your side wins, and you can try to fix all that you think is broken.

Either way, the sky is not falling.

Matthew Rainwater is chair of the Clallam County Republican Party. See clallam republicans.org.