Letters To The Editor — Jan. 3, 2018

Let’s drive safer out there

Dear Friends,

How about some New Year resolutions for driving in Sequim? I resolve:

• to always use my turn signals (not everyone knows where I’m going);

• to use marked lanes in parking lots (so I don’t hit a pedestrian or other driver);

• to come to a complete stop at a stop sign and look both ways before continuing (for obvious reasons);

• to yield to cars approaching on my left or right when I come to those triangular signs (ditto);

• to drive in the right lane on four lane roads unless passing a car (it’s the law);

• to drive the speed limit (even if it scares me to death to go 25 mph!).

AARP offers excellent safety refresher online or classroom courses, and you may get a discount on insurance. We’re a small community; let’s be respectful of other drivers.

Thanks, and Happy New Year.

Paul Muncey
