Letters to the Editor, June 13


Air quality monitor a necessity

All living things MUST breathe air — we have NO CHOICE and apparently no control over the air we breathe. Anything spewed into the air is a pollutant and those who pollute need to be held responsible for their deliberate actions — they DO have a choice. There is no other way to do this than to monitor air quality. A few people making money does not justify polluting air (or any other element necessary for survival) that affects EVERYONE. 

Health care costs are bankrupting our country — this is ONE of the problems of poor health. The decision to have an air quality monitor should not be a hard one — as to who pays — what is the job of government (at all levels) — to protect citizens — maybe all government agencies need to chip in — just get the monitor operational now and put in place (with necessary budgets) regulations to enforce responsible limits.

Cathe Muller



New phone system is impersonal

I called the Sequim Gazette office last week and was greeted with an impersonal recording that instructed me to push various numbers to reach certain departments. I was a guest columnist for the Gazette for over 12 years and always enjoyed being greeted with "It is a great day at the Sequim Gazette. How may I help you?" 

The new automated recording is not an improvement and is lacking the personal touch that made doing business with the Gazette special. Some change is inevitable but this is unnecessary!

Susan Sorensen
