Letters to the Editor — June 21, 2017

The vitriol, violence must stop

The violence must stop. Our leaders of both parties must restore civility and goodwill in our government to set an example for all to see, so that the issues that have divided us will not lead to hatred or violence.

Everything Congress does must not be for political gain … it must show and demonstrate compassion in these times, leadership and trust in government, and defend democracy and the Constitution against all efforts to undermine it.

The tragedy today (June 14) in Alexandria, Va., has to be a call for all to unite in common purpose to serve and protect this nation from irreparable harm ensuing from the political incivility witnessed during Obama’s presidency over the past eight years and now under an administration that seems not to understand what civility means.

Roger Briggs


Republicans have selective memory

I would like to respond to some of Matthew Rainwater’s comments from his “Chicken Little” article (“A lesson from ‘Chicken Little,’” Sequim Gazette, June 14, page A-10):

He complains that Hillary Clinton “put classified information on a personal server,” but makes no mention of Donald Trump’s admission that he gave information to the Russians in the Oval Office, or that she as “a key figure in allowing our men and women to be killed in Benghazi,” while failing to mention that funding for embassy security was reduced by the GOP-controlled Congress.

“I’m going to take my ball and go home attitude doesn’t work well” — It seemed to work well for the GOP when Mitch McConnell went home for a year to prevent President Barack Obama from appointing a Supreme Court justice.

“Maybe you should try working with the President.” I suppose you don’t mean the way the GOP “worked” with President Obama for eight years.

“His plans work and America re-takes its place as leader of the free world.” What country is, in your opinion, the leader of the free world now?

Isn’t it funny the way people have such short and selective memories when it comes to politics?

Fun fact: Four people lost the popular vote but still became President — all Republicans.

Robert W. Pyles


(Editor’s note: A fifth President, John Quincy Adams, lost the popular vote running for the Democratic-Republican party in 1824).

Provide basic needs for all

My name is Azella. I am disabled due to a stroke.

The topic of this letter is where has the American caring for each other gone?

Or where has American compassion gone?

The people who settled and pioneered our country cared for each other. They moved from their hearts.

Today it is all about money. If you have money, you can have electricity, water, phone and so on. If no money, you get nothing, even if you are disabled, or sick, or hurt and/or poor.

Yes, things cost money. But what can we do to be sure everyone has their needs met? People are not poor by choice.

Not all Americans are professionals; many are worker bees. A loss of a job, or an illness, or an injury or a disability puts them into the poor house.

Money is not a god! It is a tool to be used wisely.

Wake up America! We need to find a way to provide basic needs for all.


(Editor’s note: Azella is a Sequim resident who prefers to go by one name.)

Check out fantastic OTA production

The Olympic Theater Arts production of “Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike” is a hit!

Jim Guthrie, as director, brings this Broadway play to the stage in Sequim. He has put together a cast of local actors that are a perfect fit for the unique roles they portray. Ron Graham and Angela Poynter are actors’ actors.

They, along with Sara Nicholls, Jennifer Horton and E.J. Anderson personify the hopes and dreams of siblings and associates that lend poignancy to an otherwise comedic story of … life.

Rounding out the performance is Melissa Karapostoles, the ingénue demonstrating innocence, trust and hope.

We are privileged to have this calibre of talent in our midst.

The final showings are this weekend. Don’t walk, run!

George Will
