Letters To The Editor — Oct. 25, 2017

Save the dock

Here we go again. The old Dungeness dock is under serious attack. The North Olympic Salmon Coalition has set its sights on tearing it down again. Somehow they think that the bay would be better without it. I have heard of no meetings, studies, or permits allowing them to complete this task. If you want to save the dock, send emails to the Port of Port Angeles and let them know that we don’t agree with their plan.

Liz Phelps


Editor’s note: We asked for a response from the North Olympic Salmon Coalition, provided below:

The Dungeness Wharf has been reduced through time and storms to a line of 165 creosote-treated piling topped with 35 creosote-treated pile caps and a small amount of decking. As the structure continues to fail, the creosote treated wood washes into area waters posing hazards to navigation and onto area public and private beaches where creosote continues to leach out.

In 2007, the Puget Sound Initiative was launched to clean up Puget Sound by 2020, and identified creosote removal as a high priority. This project will help accomplish that work.

The North Olympic Salmon Coalition (NOSC) is cooperating with the Port of Port Angeles to remove this derelict structure. Applications for all required project permits will be submitted in the coming weeks by NOSC.

Kevin Long

Project Manager, North Olympic Salmon Coalition

Support Kuh

I’m pleased to endorse Brian Kuh for Sequim School Board. In addition to his current experience as a Sequim School Board director and vice-president, Brian has also served on a variety of other boards and brings a unique perspective and needed critical eye to the issues facing our district.

Because of his experience with economic development and the partnerships he has created through this work, he can leverage this expertise to continue to collaboratively move the district in a positive direction.

That, coupled with his own three children learning in the Sequim School District, and as a volunteer for other youth-related activities, Brian can also effectively address and communicate important issues to ensure the needs of students in the Sequim School District are being met.

Robin Henrikson


Henrikson is a Sequim School District board director.

Vote for Kuh, Gibson

I encourage voters throughout the Sequim School District to vote for Brandino Gibson and Brian Kuh for the Sequim School Board. I’ve known both fine gentlemen for many years. We worked together campaigning for Sequim school levies and bonds. Unfortunately the school bonds never passed (as Brian’s opponent Jon Kirshbaum incorrectly states in the voter guide), but Brandino and Brian were not dissuaded; rather, their dedication and efforts to improve Sequim schools have only strengthened.

I don’t think you can find two better informed and qualified members of our community to serve on the school board. Both are parents to Sequim students, not that I think this should be a pre-requisite for serving on the school board.

However, as parents, they are afforded many opportunities to interact with other parents, students, teachers and staff, thus enabling them to keep in touch with school-related issues and concerns.

Each brings unique and valuable knowledge and experience to the school board. Brandino has years of experience with workforce training programs, something I think we need to integrate better into our schools. Brian is experienced in business and finance, which is always helpful on any board. And, both get along well with others.

Please join me in voting for Brandino Gibson and Brian Kuh for the Sequim School Board.

Joe Holtrop


Cast your votes for Gibson, Kuh

I am asking you to join with me in casting your vote to retain Brian Kuh as a Sequim School District 323 School Board Director, and I am recommending Brandino Gibson for Sequim School District 323 Director-at-Large Position No. 4.

Brian was chosen from a field of several qualified candidates to finish the term of former Director Bev Horan. Since that time, Brian Kuh has shown himself to be a valuable member of the Sequim School District Board of Directors, currently serving as Board Vice-President.

Prior to being appointed to the school board, Brian demonstrated his advocacy and commitment to Sequim School District by being actively involved in Citizens for Sequim Schools and by faithfully attending school board meetings for the past several years.

Please give Brian the chance to continue the important work he has been doing in advocating for and putting first the needs of the students of Sequim School District.

Brandino has demonstrated his enthusiasm and commitment by being actively involved in Citizens for Sequim Schools, advocating for all students of Sequim School District.

He has been attending school board meetings for quite some time, so he understands the workings of the district and current challenges the school board is facing. He would be able to “hit the ground running” as a new school board director.

His position at WorkSource provides first-hand knowledge of jobs in our area and the qualifications our students need to possess to step into those jobs, both current and anticipated.

Brandino would be an excellent addition to our dedicated and hard-working school board.

Please vote for Brian Kuh as Sequim School District 323 Director representing District No. 2 and for Brandino Gibson for Sequim School District 323 Director At Large, Position No. 4.

Marilyn Walsh


‘Explorer’s Club’ a treat

Olympic Theater Arts is currently presenting a satirical look into Victorian England and the pomp and smugness of the elite “Explorers Club” members who thoroughly enjoy bragging of their real, but mostly imagined exploits and explorations into the natural world on behalf of “science.”

When a woman adventuress appears with a large alien specimen and seeks membership into this men only sacrosanct society, shock waves leave the group aghast. She does, however, have one advocate who clearly has romance on his mind and soon develops the affections of another with less noble aspirations on his mind.

There are side adventures and sub-plots that keep the laughter coming, and acting that is beyond talented. Each cast member is perfect for their role and the set design is elaborate with clear indication of the hard work that went into the building of it.

Thank you Olivia Shea for directing this fun and wacky production. You, cast and crew gave us a real treat last Saturday night.

George Will


Constitution dynamics hardly ‘simple’

It has been suggested that the qualifications for United States Supreme Court positions should be “simple” (“Qualifications simple for Supreme Court positions”, Sequim Gazette, Oct. 18, page A-13):

Ironically, there are virtually no prerequisites for U.S. Supreme Court justices. No age, citizenship, jurisprudence or experience required.

If, as suggested, the dynamics of the Constitution was “simple,” there would be no need to interpret or amend it through the years. It would, therefore, preclude the existence of our third branch of government.

Supreme Court edicts on slavery and separate-but-equal decisions were once the norm. Therefore, “common sense” morphs with time.

However, justices with no jurisprudence, blissful and ignorant of the laws that preceded them, would be as chaotic as appointing cabinet members to positions in which they had no knowledge, training or experience.

“Equal justice under law” would become a platitude.

Roger B. Huntman
