Think About It: Halloween Story, series finale — part II

Part I of “Halloween Story, series finale” was featured in the Oct. 24 edition of the Sequim Gazette.

The beginning of the end

Grandpa’s long sigh signaled he was winding up the Halloween Story. He continued.

At the same time, Grumpet, the GTG and their staffs were plotting to rewrite the Constitution. “Long overdue,” proclaimed Grumpet, “The US Constitution was the worst deal I’ve ever seen. The new Constitution will declare that America is the biggest and greatest business in the world.”

Voters nearly unanimously approved the new government under the new constitution. The no votes were cast by a few shadow people, mostly white men who managed to get through the screening by wearing Grumpet hats available for purchase at $19.98.

It didn’t matter because most people in the shadows didn’t bother to vote. They gave up. They felt no power and became, in the end, totally powerless. They did their best to stay low and not ask for much, just a job earning enough money for a small house with bars on the windows for security and enough to eat.

The shadow people that dared to disrupt the power were ridiculed, disgraced and subject to taunts. Shadow women were touched intimately and subject to shouts of “lock her up” if they pulled away. Shadow men were simply robbed of their ability to protect their families and therefore their dignity.

Those that craved more became supporters to move up and joined those wealthy enough to live in gated communities. A man could become a CEO. A woman could become an executive assistant.

Hearing the end and knowing the truth, Grandpa’s family came to him one by one and said, “We know you tried for us.” Then kissed his forehead, put on their air-filtering masks and left to walk home in the scary dark.

Or … the end of the beginning

Grandpa’s long sigh signaled he was winding up the Halloween Story.

The news about attempts to rewrite the new constitution struck the shadow people like lightening. In fact, it is said that the shadow people lit up and light filled the darkest recesses of their hiding places.

“Enough!” one shouted. “Enough!” shouted another.

Enough! Enough! Enough! came a chorus of men, women, young, old, scientists, teachers, union workers, doctors, nurses and people of all ethnic groups. They marched and spoke without yelling or crying.

“We want our children to learn more about love than hate; to feel love, not hate. We choose not to live in fear. We choose not to live in a place of hate, blame and superiority over others. We choose a brighter future. We choose reasonableness. We choose working together to solve the problems of our communities.”

They kept walking and speaking in firm voices of resolve. Soon they realized that more shadow people were joining them. Soon others joined them. The faces of spectators fell slack as if they had permission to feel the weariness brought on by wearing hate and anger to belong. And more joined in.

Soon, there were too many even for Grumpet to return them to anger and fear. It was too much and the ballot for the new constitution was withdrawn. The GTG went into hiding.

Hearing the end and knowing the truth, Grandpa’s family came to him one by one and said, “Thank you.” Then kissed him on the forehead, put on their air filtering masks and left to walk home in a particularly bright night.

“Trick or Treat?” asked his 4-year-old great-grandson on his way out.

Happy Halloween!

Bertha Cooper spent her career years as a health care organization and program administrator and consultant and is a featured columnist in Sequim Gazette. Cooper has lived in Sequim with her husband for nearly 20 years. Reach her at

Think About It: Halloween Story, series finale — part II