Annual halibut seminar to feature Sequim’s Beath

John Beath, a Sequim resident and Alaska fishing guide, tackle manufacturer and author, offers “Top 10 Tactics for Catching Halibut in the Strait of Juan de Fuca” at the next Puget Sound Anglers-North Olympic Peninsula Chapter meeting, set for 6:30 p.m. Thursday, April 11, at Trinity United Methodist Church, 100 S. Blake Ave., Sequim.

Beath’s comprehensive talk will include secrets and strategies to consistently catch halibut in Washington’s and British Columbia’s waters.

He will cover tides and currents, top baits, lures, anchoring, chumming, drifting and jigging, and he’ll share images, local charts and video of halibut fishing.

Beath also will cover the current requirements from WDFW, US and Canadian Customs for fishing in Canadian waters and returning to a U.S. port.

Beath is the owner of SquidPro Tackle, and

The evening begins with viewing the raffle prizes and fish stories. The featured presentation starts at 7 p.m., followed by a business meeting that includes a financial report, government relations report, upcoming events discussions and fishing reports from members.

The club meets the third Thursday of each month at Trinity United Methodist Church.

Also on tap are refreshments, the popular members raffle for fishing gear and the membership drawing (must be present to win). The public is welcome.