Local wranglers take top places at jr. rodeo

Local youths showed they can rope and ride well at the annual Peninsula Junior Rodeo Association-sponsored junior rodeo at the Clallam County Fairgrounds, held this year from Aug. 29-30.

Local youths showed they can rope and ride well at the annual Peninsula Junior Rodeo Association-sponsored junior rodeo at the Clallam County Fairgrounds, held this year from Aug. 29-30.

Sequim and Port Angeles riders took home 32 total awards and six top prizes, led by Connor Ackley. The Sequim rider took home the All Around Saddle Winner award in the senior boys division.

Other winners include (by age division, event and place):

_ Buckaroos

Goat undecorating – 3. Sierra Ballou, 5. Joe Owens

Dummy roping – 3. Ballou, 5. Rhett Wilson

Cal stake – 4. Ballou

_ Pee Wees

Goat tail tying – 3. Kaitlyn Meek

Poles – 3. K. Meek, 5. Jai-Lynn Taylor

Barrels – 1. K. Meek, 6. Lynn Taylor

Dummy roping – 4. Jai-Lynn Taylor, 5. Colton Barnett, 6. K. Meek

_ Junior Girls

Goat tying – 6. Anne Meek

Poles – 1. Kynzie Hendricks

Barrels – 2. Ally Billings, 4. Emily VanAusdle, 6. A. Meek

Steer daubing – 4. VanAusdle

_ Senior Girls

Ribbon bulldogging – 3. Jessica Holmberg

_ Senior Boys

Calf roping – 1. Garth McCaleb, 3. Connor Ackley

Chute dogging – 1. Ackley, 6. Jay Holmberg

_ Open Trail – 1. Paige Witherow, 3. K. Meek, 5. McCaleb

_ Open Flags – 3. VanAusdle, 4. Witherow, 6. A. Meek

_ Open team roping – 2. McCaleb/Sydney Morgan, 5. Holmberg/Brenner Pollard.