Get ready for some hoops, kids.
The Sequim Youth Basketball Program is gearing up for its 10th season. The program, open to boys and girls in grades 1-6, begins with practices by early December and games on Saturdays, starting Dec. 14.
Cost is $45 per player, with a $100 maximum for families. Players receive a team shirt, weekly practice/skill development sessions and eight games.
This year, league officials are doing evaluation/registration sessions by gender, grades 3-6, while youths in grades 1-2 are in a group format.
To register, complete a registration form here (or call Larry Hill at 683-7093 or Art Green at 681-3252 for forms) and bring it to one of the registration/evaluation sessions listed below.
Those who cannot attend any of the sessions need to mail their forms and payment to league officials by Nov. 20.
Evaluation sessions
All players should plan to attend one of the registration/evaluation sessions indicated below. At these times, officials will register and conduct a brief evaluation of each player to determine skill levels in an effort to divide teams as evenly as possible.
• Nov. 16, Nov. 23
9 a.m. — Boys, grades 5-6, at Sequim High School gym, 601 N. Sequim Ave.
9 a.m. — Boys, grades 3-4, at Sequim Middle School gym, 301 W. Hendrickson Road
11 a.m. — Girls, grades 5-6, at Sequim High School gym, 601 N. Sequim Ave.
11 a.m. — Girls, grades 3-4, at Sequim Middle School gym, 301 W. Hendrickson Road
11 a.m. — Boys and girls, grades 1-2, at Sequim Middle School auxiliary gym, 301 W. Hendrickson Road
Evaluation will be combination of skill stations and a controlled scrimmage (grades 3-6 only).
The registration/evaluation process may last about 90 minutes.
The season
League officials hope to have team rosters established and coaches assigned by Dec. 3. They provide the coaches with equipment, practice and game schedules as soon as possible. Games are on Saturdays starting Dec. 14; the eight-game season wraps up by the third week in February.
Officials hope to see all age group games played at the same time. Teams are established by a league evaluation team.
Each Saturday starts with a 45-minute skills/rules clinic presented by the high school basketball coaches and players.
Helping out
Those interested in sponsoring a team, coaching, officiating or volunteering in some other capacity please indicate your area of interest on the registration form. Officials ask that volunteers refrain from making special request for teams/coaches unless there is a significant reason for doing so.
Coaches and assistant coaches this year are required under state law to view a video training on management of concussions.
For more information, call Hill, Sequim Youth Basketball director, at 683-7093, or Green, SYB president, at 681-3252.