Sequim Gazette staff
Despite cold weather conditions and working out some early season kinks, all participating Sequim equestrian riders earned top-15 placings at their first meet of the season, held Jan. 27-29 at the Tacoma Unit facility in Spanaway.
Eilena Sharpe took first in In-Hand Trail, Kat Afton was first in Dressage, Anne Meek took home four top-four placings and the Sequim Drill Working Fours team (Sharpe, Matisen Anders, Christina Overby and Justine Roads) took top team honors at the inaugural 2012 meet.
Other team members include Kyla Gabriel and Devyn Vining.
Team and individual results from the meet are listed below:
• Team events
Drill Working Fours — 1. Sharpe, Anders, Overby, Roads
In-Hand Obstacle Relay — 2. Anders, Overby, Roads, Sharpe
Pairs — 2.Anders, Overby; 10. Afton, Vining; 10. Meek, Sharpe
Flags — 4. Meek, Overby, Roads, Sharpe
Cow Sorting — 6. Afton, Vining
• Individual events
Dressage — 1. Afton; 3. Sharpe; 4. Gabriel; 10. Vining; 13. Roads
Showmanship — 4. Overby
In-Hand Trail — 1. Sharpe
Trail — 9. Roads; 11. Overby; 11. Gabriel; 14. Anders
Working Rancher — 6. Overby
Reining — 5. Anders
Stock Seat — 3. Overby; 5. Roads
Hunt Seat — 4. Roads; 7. Sharpe; 9. Vining; 9. Gabriel; 14. Overby
Hunt Seat Over Fences — 2. Sharpe; 5. Gabriel
Saddle Seat — 3. Gabriel
Poles — 3. Meek
Barrels — 4. Meek
Figure Eight — 2. Meek
Steer Daubing — 2. Meek
Flags — 13. Afton