Sports briefs — May 17, 2023

Shearer sinks an ace

Jordan Shearer of Sequim sank his first hole-in-one last week at The Cedars at Dungeness.

He used a 7-iron to drive the 117-yard hole No. 11 at The Cedars.

Trevor Benjamin and Tyler Forshaw of Sequim and Ashlee Simmons of Port Angeles witnessed the feat.

Anglers to talk tips, techniques for catches

The Puget Sound Anglers North Olympic Peninsula Chapter hostsan open-to-the-public general meeting on Wednesday, May 17, at the Sequim Elks Lodge, 143 Port Williams Road. People start gathering at 6:30 p.m. and the meeting starts at 7 p.m.

The club’s guest speaker is James Beasley, owner of Sequim-based Wicked Lures LLC. He will give attendees an overview of his business and will pass along tips and techniques for using his lures to catch salmon, steelhead, halibut and other species of fish.

Following the presentation, the club will have a short business meeting, discuss current fishing reports and have raffle drawings. Raffles are for members only, though attendees may join that night to take part in the raffle. An annual individual membership is $25, and a family membership is $35. The membership also includes The Reel News monthly newspaper.

Discount available for Hurricane ride

Registration is open for the Aug. 6 Ride the Hurricane event.

Early registration costs $70. After June 1, any remaining slots or registrations from the waitlist will be $80. The National Park Service restricts the number of cyclists in Olympic National Park, so space is limited.

Ride the Hurricane is a demanding hill climb with an elevation profile designed to challenge human conditioning and endurance. The climb begins at the edge of Port Angeles Harbor with an 18-mile, 5,000-foot-high climb to the summit of Hurricane Ridge.

There will be frequent aid stations along the way help to fuel the climb. See for more information.