Political money

We know that money has corrupted our politicians since the beginning of our democracy. Some congressmen take huge amounts of money from special interest groups, but only if they make laws that benefit them, and they do. So here’s the plan.

We know that money has corrupted our politicians since the beginning of our democracy. Some congressmen take huge amounts of money from special interest groups, but only if they make laws that benefit them, and they do. So here’s the plan. Insist that your representative will not take more than $300 max from any one person or corporation.  If they refuse, then we get someone else. Fifty percent of our population does not vote because they’re disgusted with our corrupt government. We need all Americans to help. Whoever decides to campaign on this promise and stick to it, votes will come from the right and left with contributions. This should be an effort from all sides. We’re in this together.

Can you imagine, no more lobbyists with big handouts?

Can you imagine, politicians not taking orders from Mr. Big?

Can you imagine, our representatives spending two-thirds of their time working for us instead of fundraising?

This can be done, if you want it. Find out how you can help. Go to party meetings on both sides and demand this. Remember, you’re still the boss. Stand up, be accountable and don’t blow this chance. The word “can’t” is not acceptable.

Our time is now. Fight for it.

Bill Ellis
