Fifth Street Community Garden tours return for 2018

The Clallam County Master Gardeners monthly garden walks at the Port Angeles Fifth Street Community Garden are slated to begin at 10 a.m. Saturday, April 14.

Led by Master Gardeners Audreen Williams, Jeanette Stehr-Green, Laurel Moulton, Bob Cain and Lois Bellamy, the walks are 90 minutes packed with highlights of what is happening in the gardens and information on a range of gardening practices.

The April garden walk focuses on overwintered crops, turning under cover crops, starting seeds indoors, and getting a jump on our short gardening season. Find out what vegetables grow well in our area, learn what needs to be done monthly in the vegetable garden and get a leg up on the Integrated Pest Management method of controlling common insect pests and plant diseases.

The guided walks are free and open to the public and will continue every second Saturday of the month through Sept. 8.

The Fifth Street Community Garden is located at 328 E. Fifth St., Port Angeles, just off Peabody and across from City Hall. The garden includes over 50, 9-foot-by-12-foot plots. The garden was developed on city property in 2011 with a vision to connect people to the earth and their community through growing food.

Master Gardeners are also available for one-on-one garden advice at the Community Garden on Mondays from 10 a.m.-noon now through Oct. 1.

For more information about the Master Gardeners program, go to mastergar or call the Clallam County program coordinator at 360-565-2679.