Milestone: Campbell receives Sequim Sunrise Rotary honor

Makenzie Campbell, a sophomore at Sequim High School, was recognized on Nov. 17 as the Sequim Sunrise Rotary’s November Career and Technical Education (CTE) Student of the Month.

Here she is pictured with (from left) Rotary club member Tom Flack, teacher Steve Mahitka and Rotary club president Jon Jack.

Campbell was joined by her family and Mahitka, the school’s CTE director who nominated her.

Mahitka told club members that Campbell is an industrious student who tackles assignments with gusto and works hard to completion.

Campbell said she is an avid trap shooter and is actively involved in Future Farmers of America. She plans to attend college after graduation in 2020, enroll in a pre-veterinary medicine program, and eventually return home to open her own rescue center someday.