Panel, candidates to explore justice in Clallam County

The Clallam Progressive Coalition is sponsoring a free public panel discussion, “Clallam County Justice: A Panel Discussion,” from 3:30-5:30 p.m. Saturday, July 14, at the Port Angeles Public Library’s Carver Room, 2210 S. Peabody St.

Citizens will have a chance to hear from local candidates for sheriff, prosecutor and district court within a larger discussion of the criminal justice challenges facing the community, from arrest to sentencing. The panel will be moderated by Assistant Attorney General Tim Davis.

The format gives each participant a chance to speak for five minutes on their experiences and offer their perspective on what they see as the major challenges facing the justice system in Clallam County and possible approaches to take.

There will then be an opportunity for audience members to ask pertinent questions directed at the entire panel.

The Clallam Progressive Coalition is an inclusive political action group dedicated to a platform of economic, social and environmental matters that ensures the health, rights and well-being of our community. They recently hosted a “Women in Politics” discussion; group representatives say they hope that this panel will be the first of many conversations.

For more about the coalition, see