Business: A treat and a treatment; skin care specialist offers rejuvenating facials at new shop

With a peaches and cream complexion of her own, aesthetician Jamie Wendorf practices what she preaches in healthy skin care management. Now she would like to share her decades of experience with Sequim clients through her new business Sea Siren Skin Care.

After working in the skin care departments at Saks Fifth Avenue and Nordstrom in the San Francisco, Calif., area, Wendorf became a licensed aesthetician 24 years ago, apprenticing for two years with an Austrian mentor in the more intensive European-style of facials.

Her parents had retired to Sequim some years ago, and with them needing more care, Wendorf decided to sell her bustling business of 18 years and move to Sequim with her family. Sea Siren Skin Care opened in November and already is attracting clients, who desire reducing fine lines, minimizing age spots and creating younger-looking skin, with referrals from friends and family.

Within her cozy office decorated in soothing beige, turquoise and grey, Wendorf offers a variety of facial treatments.

“Your face is beautifully unique and so is each facial,” the congenial 49-year-old said. “I provide a highly personalized treatment by choosing a combination of botanical and scientific ingredients to correct and improve your complexion. The result is healthy, glowing, beautiful skin.”

As a skin care specialist, with a deep understanding of its physiology, Wendorf said she works with each client’s individual issues to create balance in the skin. She also points out that aging is just one factor — more important ones are “a poor diet, lack of hormones and just not caring for your skin.”

Wendorf noted, “Healthy skin can vary from person to person. My definition is skin that is hydrated from within, clear and without an active breakout. It’s skin that doesn’t feel tight or uncomfortable to the person who is wearing it, with a smooth texture and a healthy glow.”

She stressed, “My goal isn’t to intimidate but to educate. A facial is a treat but also a treatment. I offer European-style facials, with deep cleansing and analysis, and I ask the client a lot of questions — what are your goals, what are you doing and how can we make it better? Together, we can do good work and help you get great skin.”

Skin is the largest organ system of the body and relies on being well-hydrated. Proper skin care, Wendorf said, is important because “you want to be as healthy inside as you are outside. It’s no fun having a skin issue that you don’t feel you can balance. That’s where I come in.”

Most clients are coming in for acne breakouts and dryness issues, Wendorf said, and so her clients range from teens to 60-somethings.

“From birth into our 90s, our skin changes and that’s where consistent skin care treatment can help to bring things back into balance,” Wendorf said.

She noted she gets good results by applying a variety of methods to first heal active acne and has ways to reduce scarring and maintain the skin’s balance so the acne doesn’t return. With all her clients, Wendorf believes it is a partnership — her coaching and educating, clients learning and applying new knowledge.

“Treatment needs to be very focused and address their issues while giving them a nice social, relaxing time,” Wendorf said. “I’m not here to judge them but to tweak their home program so they can care for their skin between treatments.”

Micro-abrasion, a process of exfoliating dry skin so it can accept hydrating products, is one of the best corrective treatments for your skin, Wendorf said.

“It exfoliates the upper layers of the epidermis to smooth away hyper-pigmentation (age spots) and minor scarring, refines skin texture and stimulates lymph flow and cell renewal …” leaving “… fresh, smooth skin.”

Wendorf also offers chemical peels, micro-current therapy, hand/foot and back therapy, eyelash/eyebrow enhancement and hair removal through waxing. Micro-current treatments, Wendorf said, work with the body’s natural healing process, toning and firming skin by focusing on the facial muscles.

“You just feel energized!” Wendorf smiled. “It’s an interesting treatment.”

As for the name Sea Siren Skin Care, Wendorf said she owes it to her 15-year-old daughter’s fascination with mermaids.

“I absolutely love what I do … and I’m excited and looking forward to creating another successful skin care treatment business and building a relationship with people in Sequim,” she said.

Reach Wendorf for an appointment at 360-207-1534.