The Sequim Merchant Group and the Sequim-Dungeness Valley Chamber of Commerce are hosting two new events in December encouraging residents to shop local. Shopping locally is important for economic sustainability. When you shop locally you are supporting members of your own community who also are vested in the heath and success of the community.
“Girls Night Out” will take place from 5-8 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 12, and “Guys Night Out” will take place from 5-8 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 18.
These events will allow convenient and fun shopping opportunities with extended hours. Of course, either gender can shop on either given night; however, “Girls Night Out” will provide attendees to take home a “wish list” to their family members and also will allow shoppers to register at local merchants.
When “Guys Night Out” takes place, all the significant others will have to do is come to the stores designated on the wish list, have the store identify the desired items and purchase them! Wonderful gift baskets have been created, with items donated by local merchants. These baskets will be raffled off at the end of each of the “Nights Out.” In order to enter the raffle you need to shop from 5-8 p.m. on the dates listed above.
The “Girls Night Out” will culminate at Wind Rose Cellars, 143 W. Washington St., and the winner of the gift basket will be presented shortly after 8 p.m.The “Guys Night Out” will culminate at Oasis Bar & Grill at 301 E. Washington St., also with the drawing at 8 p.m.
Eighteen local merchants will be participating in these evening shopping events. For more information, contact the Sequim-Dungeness Valley Chamber of Commerce at 683-6197, visit or follow the chamber on Facebook for details.