Topics in Photography will be offered at the Dungeness River Audubon Center, 2151 W. Hendrickson Road in Sequim, beginning at 11 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 18. The class fee is $10 per session and students can attend just one or all sessions.
No pre-registration is necessary. Those who attend three sessions or more will receive a one-year River Center membership.
“I have wanted to teach an entry-level photo class at the River Center for quite a while,” said Powell Jones, the center’s executive director.
Jones’ love of photography started in his youth and grew with formal training at Central Washington University where he got his bachelor’s degree in geography. During this time, he completed a wide range of classes that focused on the art of photography. Presently, while his work at the River Center keeps him busy, he still finds time to follow his photographic passion, telling image stories of his life with his family, nature and his wife’s passion for knitting.
Jones will teach four drop-in sessions, once a month for four months, on third Thursdays at 11 a.m. — Feb. 18, March 17, April 21 and May 19. Each session will last 90 minutes and include a chance to share student art. Classes will emphasize landscapes and subjects in nature.
Content will include:
• Telling stories with photos;
• The importance of individual perspective for unique one-of-a-kind photos;
• The ability of any camera to produce great photos, from expensive SLRs to point-and-shoots to cellphones;
• Controlling the light entering the camera;
• Challenging what your camera is telling you is “right” and
• Taking a lot of pictures and not waiting for the perfect moment.
Class fees benefit the River Center’s educational programs. Contact the center at 681-4076 for more information.