Community garden walk set in Port Angeles

Join Master Gardeners Laurel Moulton, Jeanette Stehr-Green and Audreen Williams on a walk through the Fifth Street Garden in Port Angeles this week, an event highlighting the successful plants and gardening techniques that have produced this summer’s bounty.

The next Second Saturday Walk is slated for 10-11:30 a.m. on Aug. 11 at 328 E. Fifth St. August walk topics will include cover crops and small space gardening ideas such as trellising and planting vegetable varieties that do well in limited space.

Get tips on planting a fall garden and more! Participants are encouraged to bring questions and share experiences.

Master Gardener-guided Second Saturday Walks at the

Fifth Street Community Garden are free and open to the public. For more information, contact the WSU Extension Office Master Gardener program coordinator at 360-565-2679.