Community: Talk on gardening with bees in mind

On Saturday, May 20, Cindy Ericksen will lead a presentation entitled “Bee-centric Gardening.” The class will be at 10 a.m. at the Master Gardener’s Woodcock Demonstration Garden, 2711 Woodcock Road, Sequim. The presentation is free and open to the public.

Ericksen will discuss threats to pollinators and the importance of protecting and restoring pollinator habitat to encourage bee activity. Ericksen also will give the audience steps to consider while creating a landscape to support area pollinators. Honeybee populations have been seeing a decline in the past years.

Ericksen has been a Master Gardener for over 10 years and has maintained the beehive at the Woodcock Demonstration Garden. She is passionate about educating others on how to protect honeybee populations.

This presentation begins the “Saturday in the Garden” lecture series at the Master Gardener Demonstration Garden. Find the complete listing of lectures throughout the summer months at