Dungeness Community Church, 45 Eberle Lane, Sequim, hosts a one-day women’s retreat on Saturday, Feb. 23, featuring guest speaker Elisabeth Cochrane. Her presentation, “Jesus, My All in All,” will draw on her many years of working in South Asia.
Cochrane founded YWAM (Youth With A Mission) Nepal which now has a staff of 300 and projects ranging from orphanages, clinics, church planting among the unreached and training in more than 28 locations. After founding YWAM Nepal, she founded YWAM Pune, India and the University of the Nations, India. It was through the University of the Nations that 32 new ministries were started under her leadership.
She and her husband were vice presidents in YWAM and co-leaders of YWAM South and Central Asia.
Today she is leading a nonprofit, Ace Development, that helps her serve India and Nepal by bringing business people there to help the ministries become self-sustaining.
Cochrane and her husband, Steve, have two daughters. They lived and worked in India and Nepal for 26 years and now reside in Western Washington.
The retreat opens at 9 a.m. for registration. Coffee, tea, juice, fruit and muffins will be available.
There will be two speaker sessions in the morning with a short break and two again in the afternoon.
Attendees may bring a lunch from home or plan to have lunch out during a 90-minute midday break. The retreat concludes by 4 p.m.
For more information, contact Linda Phair at 683-2599.